Freen Becky & Fay May 来日イベント開催決定!
IDOL FACTORY 所属 Freen Becky が待望の再来日
今後の活躍が期待されるFay May と共に、
【1部】OPEN 12:30 / START 13:30
【2部】OPEN 17:30 / START 18:30
会場:ソニックシティ 大ホール
OPEN 17:30 / START 18:30
会場:大阪国際交流センター 大ホール
出 演
Freen Becky
大人気GLドラマ「GAP The Series」、最新作「The Loyal Pin」、日本でも劇場公開されたSFタイ映画「URANUS2324」で主演を務め、世界中で大旋風を巻き起こしている。2023年10月に開催された「Freen-Becky Fan Meeting in Japan」以来、待望の再来日を果たす。
Fay May
タイで2024年5月から放送されたGLドラマ「My marvellous dream is you(Dream GL)」に主演。
初主演作品でありながらY Universe AWARDS 2024・The best GL series of the yearにノミネートされるなど、今後の活躍が期待されている。
チケット価格(全席指定):一般 16,500円(税込)
- リハーサル観覧
- グループフォトセッション
(4:10) - アクリルキーホルダー
- ポスター(A3サイズ)
- お見送り会
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(直筆サイン入) - ●
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(直筆サイン入) - ●
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(抽選20名) - ●
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- 一般
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- 一般
- リハーサル
観覧 - ●
- グループフォト
(4:10) - ●
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- アクリル
キーホルダー - ●
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- ポスター
(A3サイズ) - ●
サイン入 - ●
サイン入 - ●
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- お見送り会
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2024/12/24(火) 20:00 ~ 2025/01/13(月) 23:59
2025/01/17(金) 19:00以降
2025/01/17(金) 19:00 ~ 2025/01/20(月) 23:59
お一人様 各公演2枚まで
2025/01/22(水) 18:00 ~ 2025/02/02(日) 23:59
2025/02/07(金) 19:00以降
2025/02/07(金) 19:00 ~ 2025/02/10(月) 23:59
2025/02/13(木)19:00 〜
Please check the website for tickets available for purchase.
●1部 3/2(日) 13:30~ ご購入・詳細は下記ご参照ください
●2部 3/2(日) 18:30~ ご購入・詳細は下記ご参照ください
★1部・2部 見逃し配信 4/1(火) 23:59まで
●疑似ライブ配信 3/8(土) 19:00~ ご購入・詳細は下記ご参照ください
★見逃し配信 4/7(月) 23:59まで
【Live Streaming Ticket】
●Purchasing Live Streaming Ticket from OverseasClick Here for Purchase and Details
- 【1部】
- ●先行販売:10:00~12:00
- 【2部】
- ●先行販売:13:45~14:45(予定)
- ●先行販売:15:00~17:00
※イベント販売商品のため、 数に限りがあります。在庫は各回にわけてご用意しておりますが、品切れの際はご容赦ください。
※支払い方法は全窓口にて現金、クレジットカード(VISA/Master/AMEX/JCB/Diners/DISCOVER)、電子マネー(iD/QUICPay)、交通系IC、QRコード決済(PayPay/楽天ペイ/au PAY/d払い/Alipay+/WeChat Pay)がご利用いただけます。
Please read the following important notes carefully before purchasing tickets and attending the event.
●Send-off event and photo session
・The send-off event will be held after the show. Please follow the instructions of the staff and leave the venue in an orderly manner after the show.
・A photo session will be held after the send-off event for VVIP ticket holders, VIP ticket holders, and those selected to participate in the group photo session. Please note that photos will be taken by photographers designated by the organizer, and that the organizer will decide the order in which photos are taken and your photo group.
・Digital files of the photos will be shared with you at a later date. The files will be uploaded to Google Drive, whose link will be provided on a piece of paper distributed to participants on the day of the event. Please download the files within the specified period. Please note that the photos on Google Drive will also be viewable by others.
・The organizer shall not be liable for any problems related to the distribution of photos. Please note that the organizer is also unable to respond to questions about how to use Google Drive.
●Waiting for performers before/after the show, stalking and approaching performers, taking secret photos, etc.
・The send-off event will be held after the show. Please follow the instructions of the staff and leave the venue in an orderly manner after the show.
・Waiting for performers in public spaces such as airports, accommodation facilities, etc., or in the vicinity of the venue, as well as acts of stalking, is strictly prohibited. Please refrain from such behavior as it causes inconvenience to the general public and the respective facilities, venues, and other facilities in the vicinity.
・It is prohibited for participants to approach or take photos (including secret photos) of performers during such events.
・If such acts are found to have occurred, events may no longer be held in the future.
●Special bonus items
・Special bonus items to be distributed at the show will be handed out at the venue on the day of the show. Please note that we are unable to hand out these items at a later date to those who are not present on the day.
・Resale of special bonus items is strictly prohibited. Please refrain from doing so, as we may be unable to distribute special bonus items at future events if such acts are found to have occurred.
●Gifts and letters
・We are unable to accept gifts or letters for performers. Please refrain from handing gifts or letters directly to the staff or performers.
●Ticket application
・Tickets will be issued through Pony Canyon’s electronic ticketing app “Pony Can.”
・You need to install the “Pony Can” app (free) to apply for tickets.
・A separate handling fee will be charged in addition to the ticket price.
・Please refer to the application page for the application method and important notes regarding ticket application.
・Please apply for tickets using the names of the persons attending the event.
・Please note that you may not be issued tickets for consecutive seats when purchasing multiple tickets.
・No admission for pre-school children. Transfer and resale of tickets are prohibited.
大宮ソニックシティ 大ホール 北側入口
〒330-8669 埼玉県さいたま市大宮区桜木町1-7-5 ソニックシティ 大ホール
大阪国際交流センター 大ホール
〒543-0001 大阪府大阪市天王寺区上本町8丁目2-6 大阪国際交流センター大ホール
尚、フラワースタンドを始め、お弁当やケータリングなどの差し入れが贈られる「IDOL FACTORY GIRL'S DAY おもてなし差し入れ企画」(企画:エルタマ)もスタートしています。
●Important notes for participants
・Taking photos/videos (including using phone cameras) and making audio recordings inside the venue are strictly prohibited (excluding cases where it has been announced that photos/videos are allowed). If you are found to have taken photos, videos, or made audio recordings without permission, you will be promptly asked to delete the files and leave the venue.
・Please refrain from waiting for artists before/after the show in the vicinity of the venue as doing so may cause inconvenience to residents nearby and the venue itself.
・If you engage in behavior deemed by the organizer to compromise the safety of the event, you may be asked to leave the venue or be refused admission.
・There are no lockers in the venue for the Saitama show. While there are lockers in the venue for the Osaka show, please store any large luggage in the coin lockers nearby beforehand as it may not fit the lockers in the venue. The organizer shall not be liable for any lost or stolen luggage.
・Lost and found items will be disposed of one week after the event if we are not notified. Please contact us as soon as possible in such cases.
・Please note that videos and photos taken in the venue (including of the audience) may be released publicly.
・As cameras will be set up in the venue on the day of the show for recording purposes, it is possible that you may be filmed. Please note that the videos/photos taken may be distributed publicly.
・Please consult with us in advance using the contact information below if you are coming in a wheelchair or bringing a service dog.
・Please note that the event may be canceled due to bad weather, other problems, or unforeseen circumstances involving the performers.
・The times for opening of doors and start of show, as well as the performer lineup and other details, are subject to change without prior notice.
監修:Idol Factory Co.,Ltd.
協力:Dream Express Co., Ltd.